Vinexpo Bordeaux 2019
Vinexpo Bordeaux celebrated its 20th edition.
An event that has been much talked about:
«This event is going to die » « We find a real atmosphere » or « Empty stands, but very nice atmosphere». So how was this 2019 edition of Vinexpo Bordeaux ?

Smaller than the other editions.
That is true, the 2019 Bordeaux edition was smaller than the others. And I want to say that is great! This event stays very big, and walking it from one end to the other quickly becomes exhausting. On this edition it was easier and gives you the lust to take your time on the stands, to search, to meet. 120 countries were represented for 1600 exhibitors with 3 new countries: Turkey, Vietnam and Sweden. For comparison, 2300 exhibitors were present on the 2017 edition (RVF french article source available here). It is definitely less, but it is still huge. Recall that Vinexpo is today a presence in New York, Shanghai and in 2020 Paris.

Few people on the stands?
According to the time and the localisation of the stands yes, but it depends. And that is not only bad! It was easier to move around, easier to see the stands (especially the small stands), so easier to be focus on, to discover.
Even if some of them did a flat experience, this was not the case for everybody, some stands were very busy! At Les Grands Crus Classés of Bordeaux, a bottle of Sauternes was finished in 5 minutes. Burgundy stands brought back an impressive crowd as soon as their owner appeared!
Opinions collected (on approximately 30 exhibitors) alternated between “bored” and “fewer people, but more quality”. These moments of floating allowed for meetings outside of all the previously established appointments.
During this 2019 edition of Vinexpo we found each other, we took the time and honestly I found that very pleasant !

Now what are the results in terms of sales?
The answer is with the exhibitors. Some are very satisfied, some are disappointed. For the moment I don’t have any statistics so I invite you to follow this on the official website of Vinexpo.
Vinexpo Bordeaux, pictures :
Here you can view some pictures taken during this 2019 edition of Vinexpo :
My opinion about the 2019 edition of Vinexpo
My personal point of view:
Too much events is not necessarily a good thing. There are too many, and for caricaturing the entire production of some small cuvées could pass in their representations!
Searching to be the biggest is not necessarily the best solution to be the most attractive. In this case Vinexpo Bordeaux 2019 understood it very well.
Vinexpo is a leader, and having exported its concept to the entire world can dilute its impact, but it is still very present. The location of Bordeaux is significant because of the origin of the event and the place itself, who radiates worldwide. Grouped some events in Paris is understandable but I will find it unfortunate that the edition of Bordeaux disappears. I think that people from all over the world like to come to Bordeaux, and the current infrastructures really make it possible to host this type of event.
For the moment Vinexpo Bordeaux will take place the odd years and Vinexpo Paris the even years. Until when? Things change but this event still has some very nice cards to play, I am convinced!
Thanks to all the exhibitors that I have met and also to all the non exhibitors: from international business developer to the Oenologist student, from the influencer to the sommelier, this is really what we like at Vinexpo, diversity, meetings and exchange!