Sharing Week ESG 2021 : Travelling into the world of wines
Each year in the Business school where I teach, ESG Bordeaux, the Sharing Week is organised. It is a special week where students from other specialisations have the opportunity to discover other cursus.
For this year, and despite the global pandemic it was possible to maintain this event.
During 3 days, I had the beautiful task to share my passion for wines with 15 students. My event was « travel into the world of wines », because yes, it is possible to travel with wines. There are many ways to do that, with the exploration of different countries, different tastes, or across the ages.
First day :
After a teaching of basic wine tasting techniques, we compared different grapes before the exploration of different countries, to compare the differences between the same grape on various climates.
Very good feelings about wines from United states, especially with a great Pinot Noir from Oregon and a very well balanced Cabernet Sauvignon from the Napa Valley !
It was also the opportunity to speak about other native grapes, such as Pinotage from South Africa, or Torrontes for Argentina.
Second day :
It was a travel into the world of sweet wines with an escape into the vineyards of the Sainte-Croix Du Mont and Sauternes appellations. We had the chance to be very well welcomed ! The perfect occasion for me to do in the same time my « Sweet February », a special moment that I organise to dynamise the style of sweet wines.
We often forgot the beauty of these wines, despite a beautiful balance between sugar and freshness, letting you into a huge complexity of fruits plus many other aromas… and of course not disgusting ! Total success during this day with an avalanche of culinary pairings !
if you want to read more about this topic I will publish a special article the newt week about this beautiful day. It will be available here and you will find all the different wines that we tasted.
Last day :
This third and last day was also intense, with another reminder on tasting tips, before an introduction of wine pairings, with 3 personal (and classic) crushes that I absolutely wanted to share :
– Sushis/Makis + Champagne
– Comté+ Vin Jaune from Jura
– Chocolate + Porto
It was also the occasion with an another teacher to invert our courses. It was also focused on wines and it was the opportunity to share our complementary visions for more students. Thank you Jean-Daniel Debart for this nice idea !
Finishing the Sharing Week with old wines !
For this last day it was a travel across the ages, until 1955, with 3 wines :
– Château Fourcas Dupré 1992, appellation Listrac
– Château Coufran 1982, appellation Haut-Médoc
– And… Château Vieux Moulin 1955, appellation Loupiac !
After the delicate operation of the opening of these bottle in front of the students (#pression !) These wines were just incredible ! I saw admiration, surprise and pleasure into the eyes of my students !
Opening and appreciate old wine is a delicate thing, and I often ask myself about with whom to appreciate this kind of wine. I found here a very nice answer, sharing these wines with students, curious of discoveries and very open minded. These qualities are so important that they should be considered in a global way.
These wines where appreciated and made us travel. I cannot wish better for my Sharing Week ! So thank you to everyone, students, organisers, partners. These 3 days were an incredible experience !

Thank you to :
My 15 students : Aboukhair Ghizlane, Aubry Valentin, Cousty Juliette, Elie Remi, Faure Quentin, Lassalle Lisa, Lemonnier Matthieu, Levassor Clément, Mary Oriane, Mielle Thomas, Nadalié Léa, Naquin Killian, Garnier Melyna, Robert Lucas, Rocher Nina.
L’Ecole ESG : Jean Daniel Debart, Laurent Constantin, Yvan Perriere
L’Institut Culinaire de France and Damien Julia
Château de Fargues : Philippe de Lur Saluces, Alexandre de Lur Saluces, François Amirault,
Château La Tour Blanche : Miguel Aguirre
The Sainte Croix du Mont appellation with Ozco agency (Margaux Kretz et Horstense Cardineau). The estates : Château de Vertheuil ; Château des Coulinats ; Château Du Cros.