Médoc Crus Bourgeois- EN
The Médoc Crus Bourgeois

The Crus Bourgeois classification
Today the Crus Bourgeois represent a large part of the red wines produced in the Médoc wine region, which is located north of Bordeaux.
At the origin the term « Bourgeois » represented many estates throughout the entire Bordeaux region. This term was then concentrated in the Médoc area to distinguish certain properties. It is rather difficult to give a precise date for the origin of this classification, probably before the 19th century. This classification is based on the first 1932 classification, which has since been followed by numerous revisions.
The last revision took place in 2020 and now will be reviewable every 5 years. It integrates the different communal appellations in the Médoc, such as Saint-Estèphe, Margaux, etc.
To be part of the Crus Bourgeois the estate has to register and fills a set of criteria : be part of one of the Médoc AOCs, have adequate installations, be conform with the verification plan of the Crus Bourgeois, undergo aleatory analytics and organoleptic controls before packaging… A blind tasting on several vintages is also a requisite to integrate this classification. If you want to understand more about this classification you can click-here.
It results in wines with the recognition of a certain homogeneity and also a certain level of quality. The bottles are traceable and have an easily identifiable “CB” label (for “Crus Bourgeois”). A good thing to guide the consumer in his choice.
Now the Crus Bourgeois are composed of 249 estates (or chateaux) and has 3 ranks, starting with the most prestigious :
- Crus Bourgeois Exceptionnel (14 estates)
- Crus Bourgeois Supérieur (56 estates)
- Crus Bourgeois (179 estates)
The detailed list of domains for each rank is provided below, as my view about this classification.
The classification of 2020 : 249 estates !
The "Crus Bourgeois exceptionnels" (14 châteaux)
Appellation Haut-Médoc:
- Château d’Agassac
- Château Arnauld
- Château Belle-Vue
- Château Cambon La Pelouse
- Château Charmail
- Château Malescasse
- Château de Malleret
- Château du Taillan
Appellation Listrac
- Château Lestage
Appellation Margaux:
- Château d’Arsac
- Château Paveil de Luze
Appellation Saint-Estephe
- Château Le Boscq
- Château Le Crock
- Château Lilian Ladouys
The "Crus Bourgeois supérieurs" (56 châteaux)
Appellation Médoc:
- Château La Branne
- Château La Cardonne
- Château Castéra
- Château Fleur La Mothe
- Château Greysac
- Château Laujac
- Château Lousteauneuf
- Château Noaillac
- Château Pierre de Montignac
- Château Poitevin
- Château Preuillac
- Château Saint Hilaire
- Château Tour Séran
- Château Les Tuileries
Appellation Haut-Médoc:
- Château Balac
- Château Beaumont
- Château Bel Air Gloria
- Château Bernadotte
- Château Bibian
- Château du Cartillon
- Château Cissac
- Château Clément-Pichon
- Château Dillon
- Château Doyac
- Château Fontesteau
- Château Labat
- Château Lamothe-Bergeron
- Château Larose Perganson
- Château Larose Trintaudon
- Château Lestage Simon
- Château Meyre
- Château du Moulin Rouge
- Château Paloumey
- Château Peyrabon
- Château Peyrat-Fourthon
- Château Pontoise Cabarrus
- Château Ramage La Batisse
- Château du Retout
- Château Reysson
Appellation Listrac
- Château Cap Léon Veyrin
- Château Fonréaud
- Château Fourcas-Borie
- Château Reverdi
- Château Saransot-Dupré
Appellation Margaux:
- Château Deyrem Valentin
- Château Mongravey
- Château La Tour de Mons
Appellation Moulis
- Château Biston-Brillette
- Château Caroline
- Château Lalaudey
- Château La Mouline
Appellation Saint-Estephe
- Château De Côme
- Château Laffitte Carcasset
- Château Petit Bocq
- Château Sérilhan
- Château Tour des Termes
The Médoc Crus Bourgeois (179 châteaux)
Appellation Médoc:
- Château Les Anguilleys
- Château d’Argan
- Château L’Argenteyre
- Château Beauvillage
- Château Bégadanet
- Château Bellegrave
- Château Bellerive
- Château Bellevue
- Château de Bensse
- Château Bessan Ségur
- Château Blaignan
- Château Bois Mondont Saint-Germain
- Château Le Bourdieu
- Château Bournac
- Château des Brousteras
- Château des Cabans
- Château Campillot
- Château Cangruey
- Château Carcanieux
- Château La Chandellière
- Château Chantemerle
- Château La Clare
- Château Clément Saint-Jean
Château Côtes de Blaignan - Château de la Croix
- Château Escot
- Château d’Escurac
- Château L’Estran
- Château Fontis
Château La France Delhomme - Château Gémeillan
- Château La Gorce
- Château La Gorre
- Château La Grange de Bessan
- Château Les Granges de Civrac
- Château des Grandes d’Or
- Château Gravat
- Château La Gravette Lacombe
- Château Grivière
- Château Haut-Bana
- Château Haut-Barrail
- Château Haut- Canteloup
- Château Haut-Maurac
- Château Haut-Myles
- Château Haut-Queyran
- Château Hourbanon
- Château Labadie
- Château Lacombe Noaillac
- Château Ladignac
- Château Lalande d’Avion
- Château Lassus
- Château Les Lattes
- Château Lebosq
- Château Lestruelle
- Château Loirac
- Château Maison Blanche
- Château Pareil
- Château Mazails
- Château Méric
- Château Les Moines
- Château Moulin de Bel Air
- Château Moulin de Canhaut
- Château Moulin de l’Abbaye
- Château Moulin de Taffard
- Château les Mourlarnes
- Château Nouret
- Château de Panigon
- Château Patache d’Aux
- Château du Périer
- Château Pey de Pont
- Château La Pirouette
- Château Plagnac
- Château Pontet Barrail
- Château Pontey
- Château Ramafort
- Château La Raze Beauvallet
- Château La Ribaud
- Château Ricaudet
- Château La Roque de By
- Château Roquegrave
- Château Rousseau de Sipian
- Château Saint-Aubin
- Château Saint-Bonnet
- Château Saint-Christoly
- Château Saint- Christophe
- Château Segue Longue Monnier
- Château Le Temple
- Château Tour Castillon
- Château Tour Prignac
- Château Tour Saint-Bonnet
- Château Tour Saint-Vincent
- Château des Tourelles
- Château de Tourteyron
- Château Les Tresquots
- Château Les Trois Manoirs
- Château Troussas
- Château La Valière
- Château Vernous
- Château Le Vieux Fort
- Château Vieux Robin
- Château Le Vieux Sérestin
Appellation Haut-Médoc:
- Château d’Arcins
- Château d’Aurilhac
- Château Barateau
- Château Barreyres
- Château Bellegrave du Poujeau
- Château Beyzac
- Clos La Bohème
- Château Le Bourdieu Vertheuil
- Château de Braude
- Château de Cartujac
- Château Corconnac
- Château Croix du Trale
- Château Dasvin Bel Air
- Château Devise d’Ardilley
- Château Duthil
- Château La Fon du Berger
- Château Fonpiqueyre
- Château de Gironville
- Château Grand Clapeau Olivier
- Château Grand Médoc
- Château Grandis
- Château d’Hanteillan
- Château Haut Beyzac
- Château Haut Logat
- Château Haut Madrac
- Château Laborde
- Château Lacour Jacquet
- Château Lamothe-Cissac
- Château Landat
- Château La Lauzette Declercq
- Château Liversan
- Château Magnol
- Château Martin
- Château Maucamps
- Château Maurac
- Château Miqueu
- Château Le Monteil d’Arsac
- Château Moulin de Blancon
- Château Moulin des Moines
- Château Muret
- Château Peyredon Lagravette
- Château Prieuré de Beyzac
- Château Puy Castéra
- Château du Raux
- Château Rollin
- Château Saint-Ahon
- Château Saint-Paul
- Château Senilhac
- Château La Tonnelle
- Château Tour du Haut Moulin
- Château Tour Saint-Jospeh
- Château Tourteran
- Château Victoria
- Château Vieux Landat
- Château De Villambis
Appellation Listrac
- Château Capdet
- Château Donissan
- Château L’Ermitage
- Château Lafon
- Château Lalande
- Château Liouner
- Château Sémeillan-Mazeau
- Château Vieux Moulin
Appellation Margaux:
- Château Bellevue de Tayac
- Château La Fortune
- Château Pontac Lynch
Appellation Moulis
- Château Chemin Royal
- Château Duplessis
- Château Guitignan
- Château Myon de L’Enclos
Appellation Pauillac
- Château Plantey
Appellation Saint-Estephe
- Château La Commanderie
- Château Coutelin Merville
- Château Picard
- Château Plantier Rose
- Château Saint Pierre De Corbian
- Château Tour de Pez
- Château Tour Saint Fort
Opinion about the Crus Bourgeois classification
My view:
The Crus Bourgeois classification offers a safe benchmark for the consumer. I personally have often be confident with this label. Indeed I very quickly identified it as such: good value for money in the different Médoc appellations. For me it is a good landmark, fast to check it on the bottle, and reliable.
The fact that this classification now offers different ranks make it possible to promote certain notable wines and thus allows to create an emulation between the properties. That being said, you will be able to find wines at any levels that can compete with the top of the list. It will depend on the vintages, but also on your tastes, which is the most important thing. Keeping in our mind that there are also beautiful references outside the classification (as for all classification).
The consequent number of Crus Bourgeois could be seen as a handicap because there is a real risk that we come to trivialise this mention… but it is important to remember that this classification is established according strict rules, and high quality standards. This high number can be explained by the fact that the Médoc area has a significant number of properties that produce excellent wines. And this is a truth!
Official website of the Crus Bourgeois : click-here