2020 Vinexpo-Wine Paris

Quick moment at Vinexpo-Wine Paris, just for an afternoon to discover this new format event and catch some reviews.
First impression very positive: the location is ideal, accessible and visible.
The space is divided into two large halls, which requires an important and laborious work of badge scanning, each time you change from one to another one. But the most unfortunate thing is that regions are divided: Bordeaux finds itself on both sides. In the same way the Champagne is divided with the big houses in one part and on the floor the small producers. This had the effect of needing a specific approach and could break the prospection by regions.
Regarding the organization of the stands and the service during the event I did not find any false notes which is a very good thing and shows the quality of the organization. However, the fragmentation (again) of the tour guide with a front for Wine Paris and a back for Vinexpo required additional effort when looking for a particular producer. This gymnastics was constraining.
Otherwise there was an impressive and very interesting free tasting area!

I spoke during my visit with about 20 exhibitors, of different sizes and regions. In the end the feeling is rather positive:
Some of them made very good business and do not regret the trip. Others like large groups, feel like obliged to come to this event to maintain their brand image and agree that the number of international fairs would have to be reduced.
Many critics went in the fact that Vinexpo Bordeaux was diluted by other events organized at the same time in other estates. I heard the opposite, it was precisely an interest to come to Vinexpo Bordeaux. I think this argument is not clever because it is absolutely evident that the same thing will appear on Paris. Paris has many great private places where it is possible to receive people. The impact will also be « diluted » (or will add an extra-interest, Reims is just 50 minutes away by train ) .
Here are some mood pictures: the palm of the stand returns to me at the Lambhorghini stand with this magnificent Miura!
Many interesting talks were organized, especially at the Moët Hennessy stand.

For the wines I tried a lot of Italian and Spanish wines, plus say hello to familiar stands, and enjoy great corsican wines.

In a very complicated context with the Coronavirus and the implementation of a new format we can salute the performance of the event which is attractive.
I also ask myself : at the time where Internet and social networks allows to us an incredible facility to connect us, I stay perplex, according to the multiplication of these events, who are very costly in terms of money and time.
But it stays an incredible advantage of these salons: it allows to stay focused on the human dimension, and I think that is a great thing!

We have to be very attentive where things grow, but it seems primordial that some decisions have to be quickly made. Keep the best solution is quickly needed, because the risk of a mass- desistement of these events (or some) could be high with very bad consequences in terms of image.